Start with why

Start with why

I must have seen the famous « Start with why » statement at least 50 times on LinkedIn over the past months.

Photo by Dewang Gupta on Unsplash

Why launch a new company in this market?

Digital Collaboration has become essential in today’s economy, but it is often easier said than done. Enabling collaboration and sharing is still a challenge for many companies.

Simply installing a new tool can easily be done by thousands of companies, but it can take time to reach a high adoption rate (with an impact on your ROI) and to make collaboration a reality in your company. And it can also cost you money, if you don’t succeed in making this project a success within a few months.

We want to offer specialized services and to focus exclusively on enabling collaboration and sharing in every project we undertake.


Why choose us?

We are business-oriented: we can help you with writing your business case, to make your dream of collaboration a reality.

We have technical skills to help you with the setup of the solution you choose.

We are digital change managers, working especially on making the adoption of new digital solutions a reality.

Our team shares certifications in the following competencies:

  • Change Management by
  • SCRUM Master by
  • IT development certifications
  • Project Management

Our methodology

Right from the start of any project, we propose an integrated approach including:

  • Project Management
  • Change Management
  • Content Management

These are the 3 pillars you on which you should focus your efforts if you want your implementation of collaborative tools or enterprise social network (ESN) to be a success

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